
Why Literary Organisations Ask For Previously Unpublished Entries

A number of people still view publications from the stand point of what it was some years back when the only thing considered as published are those ones put down in black and white as hard copies. This would still remain the truth in the absence of evolving technology.The evolution of technology has undeniably changed […]

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writing literary fiction

How To Write Literary Fiction

by Ololade Edun 14 Simple Writing Tips for Fiction Writers 1. Know how to differentiate between ‘I am/I’m/am’ & ‘too/to/two’ 2. Stop switching possessives with contractions. Know best how to differentiate between denotations and connotations 3. ‘There/Their/They’re’ & ‘Where/Were/Where’re’ are words you shouldn’t mix their usage 4.  Active always win passive. And weak words deserves

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special tribe feature

Special Tribe Feature!

TVO presents a special tribe feature on the theme:  ” Connecting Spirituality to African Literature.” As a platform that embraces African literature, it is an attempt to highlight the genesis of African literature, the propagation of spirituality in the African Literary scene, and to connect writers and readers to the root of spirituality in African

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november theme

November: Why African Narratives Change

TVO TRIBE presents an open call for articles, poems, personal accounts, photos, etc on the community’s theme for November;  Why African Narratives Change. This is a pursuance to see the evolutionary nature and design of African stories and Storytellers. All contributors are therefore required to submit works that relate to this theme. PLEASE NOTE THE

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Tribe Conversations : How We Relieve Stress During A Writing Phase

Writing is a beautiful job, but it comes with occupational hazards. And a very significant writing hazard is stress. And we dare say that writers suffer a lot more stress than most people think. Crafting beautiful works requires much from us. And there are various ways to relieve stress, see what the tribesmen had to say about it…

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