By: Damola Oluwemimo (Son of Thunder)

1. She is is a Nigerian-American award winning novelist of African based science fiction, fantasy and magical realism.
2. She quit professoring at the University of Buffalo, New York in order to write full time. In her words “there’s no way I could do all I am doing now and still be an associate professor! “
3. She is know for weaving African cultures into creative settings and memorable characters. Her first book ‘Who Fears Death‘ has been optioned by HBO, with ‘Game Of Thrones’ George R.R. Martin as the executive producer.
4. She is a Nigerian-American author of Africanfuturism and AfricanJujuism for children and adults.
5. She is a winner of Hugo, Nebula, Word Fantasy, Locus and Lode star awards and her debut novel ‘Zahrah The Wind Seeker‘ has won the prestigious Wole Soyinka prize for literature.
6. Her novel Ikenga will be in stores by August 2020.
7. She has also written comics for Marvel including ‘BLACK PANTHER: Long Live The King‘ and ‘WAKANDA FOREVER‘ (featuring Dora Milage) and ‘THE SHURI SERIES‘ ,an African futuristic comic series, LAGUARDIA ( from Dark Horse) and her short memoir, ‘Broken Places In Outer Spaces’.