The Moment – Ogonna Kanu

Red bombards the waking sky,
Amidst nature’s hue of tye and dye,
I smell the strength of the sun,
Uncertainty forgone.

Teasing with light, spoiling for a fight,
Dares she, the ferocity of the ocean’s might,
But gentle waves swallow her coloured echoes,
And lazily concentrates on fishermen’s canoes.

From where I am, I have touched the eagle in flight
And memory will not erase this sight.
I soften the pace to my destination
And stand too, to listen to this morning’s oration.

It seems time stopped to reflect on heavenly bliss
And was I..? Yes, I was born for this!

About the Author:

Ogonna is an administrative professional with 20years of experience in various sectors. Her childhood dream was to be a tennis star or a writer. While neither came true, she has found fulfilment in writing occasionally to escape the humdrum life of a Lagos-bred professional. She is inspired by nature, adventure and integrity. My social media handles: Instagram = @oggiekanu Facebook = Ogonna Kanu LinkedIn = Ogonna Kanu

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