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african futurism

Call For Submissions: African futurism!

  Nnedi Okorafor defines Africanfuturism as “a sub-category of science fiction that is similar to ‘Afrofuturism’ but more deeply rooted in African culture, history, mythology, and point-of-view as it then branches into the Black diaspora, and it does not privilege or center the West.”  Here at TVO TRIBE, We believe Africanfuturism transcends science fiction. We

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Sugar Cubes

SUGAR CUBES           || Ibiteye Overcomer Ballot boxes are metaphors for sugar cubes: Dazzling, inviting, brides of anthills. Glazed cartons holding frail fragments of truth, justice, sweetness, of anthills. Brazen walls of power that makes their builders vulnerable, or is it the builders that make themselves vulnerable? Could it be that between the petulant layers of

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Why Literary Organisations Ask For Previously Unpublished Entries

A number of people still view publications from the stand point of what it was some years back when the only thing considered as published are those ones put down in black and white as hard copies. This would still remain the truth in the absence of evolving technology.The evolution of technology has undeniably changed

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Poet Laureate Interviews: Meet Temitope Komolafe

I am Temitope Komolafe, a student of Medicine and Surgery in University of Ibadan. I am a very spiritual person and I believe God is and should be the integral factor in life. I write and specialize in screenwriting. I love reading and am very open to learning from everything because I have come to discover that the more we know, the more we discover how much we don’t know

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