By: Oluwaalanumi Blessings

The tribesmen community is a network where creatives, writers, readers, authors and artists share our stories and experiences. In this community,we run a weekly writing contest which is aimed
at building our tribesmen not just to become consistent writers, but to become exceptional writers. The winner of this contest is crowned the tribesman of the week.
Wanualom an amazing writer who emerged as the tribesman of the week. He is an alumnus of Benue state University in Nigeria and a graduate of English language.

We had an awesome time with him as he answered several questions about his art. Let’s set the ball rolling…

Hello,Wanualom. It is nice meeting you. I am really elated. Congratulations on your success as the tribesman of the week.

Thank you very much. I’m pleased to meet you too.

I am Oluwalaanumi Blessings, a Tribe advocate at

Wow! The tribes adminstratives are doing a really great job. Well done.

Let’s start with a formal introduction. We want to know who this amazing writer is?

Okay, the name’s Orjighjigh Alôm. I Studied English at Benue state University. I love stories.

The name is a huge one.

I get that a lot. It means ‘Saint’ by the way.

Wow! SAINT? I couldn’t have imagined that. That’s a beautiful one.
If I want to trace this name, in which of the Nigerian states or African countries am I likely to find myself?

I’m from Benue State, actually.

I’m glad we have a tribesman from the middle belt .
Can you briefly describe your journey as a writer?

My elder sister was the one who set me on this road. She is a wonderful storyteller. She would tell me stories, sneak out our father’s magazines so we could read, and also share the stories she wrote. That was how I developed interest in stories. I was about 10 years old when I first wrote my own version of ‘The Grasscutter’, a series that was running on Super Story back then. I even wrote a play! Can you imagine?
Somehow, it all cooled down until my my English teacher in SS3 resurrected the passion.

This is interesting. You had two life changing angels. They must be proud of you.

I hope so.

Now that you’re no longer in SS3 and big sister is maybe quite busy now, what stimulates you to write?

The urge to share the stories in my head. Basically. You know, the world is made up of stories: peculiar ones, but also universal ones. There is a kind of joy when you express the music in you soul and it finds an echo in the souls of others. I write to share a part of me, and in so doing, reach out and connect.

This is passionate. It is beautiful. “Joy in expressing the music in your soul”

(Smiles) Thank you.

Did you ever think you would be the tribesman of the week?

No, I didn’t.

How did you feel when you were announced the tribesman of the week?

Disbelief. Then elation.

I can relate with that.
Who are those you look up to in the writing field?

Chinua Achebe is at the top of the list. Then there’s Helon Habila, Alexandre Dumas, Edgar Rice Burroughs, too. Those are a few of those to whose heights I aspire.

Describe yourself in 10 years from now.

The dream me in 10 years is a writer who finds it easy to transcribe the stories as they are in his head into words.

What a simple but insightful dream. What’s your advice to that writer out there who is almost giving up?

One day, someone will hear your voice. Your story matters, those stories matter. Those outpourings matter. And no one else can tell your stories as they should be told. Do not impoverish the world, you don’t know who is waiting for your writing to change their world.

Give three reasons why you will ask anyone to join the tribesmen community

It’s a closely knitted, warm community where growth is encouraged.

It’s an intellectual theatre like you’ll hardly find online.

It has the best storytellers in the world.

I am a proud tribesman! (laughs)

You should be.

Thank you so much for the mind blowing moment with you.
I wish you a beautiful ride in life.

It’s an honour and an utmost pleasure. See you at the top!

Thank you very much.

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