Zoltan: Good evening Tribesmen. I hope we’re all doing fine?
So, I was wondering, how do you guys relieve stress after extended periods of reading/writing? Let’s go guys!! I really wanna hear from you.
Emmaxyma: I play football or listen to Asa‘s songs
Zoltan: Ouuuu. An Asa fan
Olutosin: I sleep. ASAP
Albert: The occasional sip of wine or whiskey depending on my mood plus a workout to release tension in my muscles.
Zoltan: Elite relaxation techniques. Forever a classic.
Albert: Haha.
Emmaxyma: Asa has always been an inspiration
Peace: Close the book. Rant about writing, tell myself I am not reading for the next week. And just pick a good book to read.
Zoltan: Very, very interesting.
Anyone else who does the dishes to get calm?
Victoria: Haha.
For me, workout, I think? And I have never really thought about sipping a glass of wine, like Albert does. I may try it.
Zoltan: Work out also? This is surprising, coming from you, Victoria. Hehe.
Temitope: That’s a good one, Peace.
Peace: I know. I’m hopelessly devoted to it.
Monday Covenant: Most times I take a nap or eat and get back to it. I really don’t get tired.
Zoltan: You don’t get tired? Amazing. I’m impressed, really impressed.
Victoria: It’s not a real workout routine. I actually dance instead. I dance when I’m nervous about whatever I’m writing.
Zoltan: Oh whew. Now dancing is easier to imagine on you and I mean that in a good way, lol.
Victoria: When I don’t write, I read, listen or talk. There might be different systems but that’s really all that surrounds it.
How about you, dear reader? How do you get rid of stress when you write?