The theme – Rebirth emphasises the coming back of a thought, an idea and a visualisation.

To us, it transcribes as a new alignment to what we represent as a literary organization and to what African creatives identify as.
This theme is to bring forward something that has been lost in the past.
We want to bring into existence and popularity, stories believed to go into extinction in Africa.
For our first Issue,
TVOTRIBE will be collecting entries in line with the theme – Rebirth. We want creatives to attempt to explore all that this theme means to them, as individuals and collective storytellers. You are an important part of this conversation, and so we urge you to join us.

Dissect this theme with us.
Write your opinions laden with facts, express yourself artistically by making submissions relating to the theme.
Write to us poetry, content, and everything that lies in between.
TVO TRIBE is a safe space and we are open to everyone. We accept articles, poems, personal accounts, stories, creative nonfiction, and photos that relate to the theme.
We want to read your fears, the things that please you, your beautiful writings, the ones that are stuck in your throat like a fishbone.
Show us those pieces you think are deviants and the ones that conform to rules.
Send us everything you have!
We encourage you to be as expressive as possible, stylistically pleasing while creating aesthetic pieces as your submission.
Please read our submission guidelines for further details on how to share your work.
Submit to:
Deadline: 1st April, 2022
To download our style guide, please visit: