Peace Osemwengie

Literary competitions abound in the literary space. There’s no limit to the number of contests that exist. But, winning these competitions is the main thing. No one wants to submit and get a really discouraging rejection, which is often sent by email! So, here’s our winning module, handpicked, tested and trusted, just for you!
Find Your Contest
This means that you should participate in contests that are within your area of specialization. Poets do not engage in prose contests, and vice versa. Find your space, follow others who do the same things you do. You’ll find that you get more information about contests that way, and you’ll get lots of advice on how to enter these contests and bedazzle the judges.
Know Your Contest
Do your research. Find out everything you can about the contest you are about to enter. Know what the judging process looks like, find past contestants if you can, and also look for past entries. These processes will prepare you both consciously and unconsciously for the contest.
Prep Your Mind
You’ve got a competition to write for. There are probably a thousand other people doing the same thing that you are doing and plan on doing. Do not let thoughts of the competition play havoc with your writing. Doubt won’t let you fly and may probably cause a writer’s block. Write within the scope of the competition, but at the same time retain your uniqueness. That’s what will set you apart from a million dozen entries.
Make A Draft
Write everything that comes to mind. Give in to the fury of your mind. Nothing is stupid, unworthy or without class. After, take a break. Give it a few days, but keep the entry deadline in mind! Come back after a while. See your work with fresh eyes and begin to rebuild it. A little here, a little there, a little more here, and you’re good to go!
Revise And Edit
This is self explanatory and perhaps the most important thing you’ll do. Do yourself a favour and give it to an editor to do the editing. You may not notice the errors. You wrote it after all.
Take A Deep Breath
And press the submit button! But, remember not to be in a hurry to submit. Take your time. When you have done this, take a nap. You have earned it!
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