adele’s room & other poems – Jeremy Teddy Karn

it is 4am, the night is starless & seductive,     

ravaged with sweat oiling the screws 

of two bodies    

athirst to obey the wheels to their bareness— 

with all these desires, the body does not want to 

wear celibacy as a skin             but to be burned

into ashes

like the way, emperor Nero burned Rome

in this room cloaks with blackness & moans,

adele is standing         between me   & God

& the smell of iced tea is in the air

housewife #26

my mother’s voice rises like a school’s flag      

this morning it rose above the mist

of her tea mug

it reaches into the flesh      of a song 

playing on the tv.   it sprouts out 

of her body like what a tired tree root 

does to the soil

today there is a joy in my mother’s voice 

her tongue has been hungry for

i called mama into my room 

& beg my her to stay like this for us

mama looks into my face, 

her eyes softening into a wet soil

and said: 

‘’son, every day cannot be my birthday

i was born once like all mothers’’

housewife #10

i pleasure myself by    clogging our kitchen sink

the lips of the faucet are wet with desire

i can hear my cousins hounding mother’s cats 

around the living room—

it has been ten years since mother evolved

into this art of a woman giving up her life for a man

my mother’s life as a housewife is a battlefield

but i keep telling myself that

her body is a rehab’s wall of Jericho that 

falls to nothing,    & a discreet God 

is the one who knows mother’s secrets        

and hears her cries we have never heard 

from outside of her room

About The Author

Jeremy Teddy Karn is the author of Miryam Magdalit (APBF & Akashic Books, 2021). His works have recently appeared/are forthcoming in Olney Magazine, The Penn Review, Poetry Wales, Whale Road, Lolwe, Cheat River Review, Up the Staircase Quarterly, Native Skin, and elsewhere. He is the EIC at Pepper Coast Lit. He tweets @jeremy_karn96

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