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HOW DO WE EVOLVE? || Abdul-lateef Halimat

From the day I made it into this world with tears,
The day I started making sense out of words,
To this very day, I have always heard them say:
“It will get better”.
It is so overwhelming that even after years on planet Earth,
In the African continent
I have been hoping,
Hoping for a better place,
Hoping for greater opportunities,
Hoping for self expressions,
Hoping for enlightenment.

How is that supposed to happen in this continent?
When we choose to be governed by old minds in a new world
How will it get better?
When a world of curiosity is governed by the “I know it all”
A world where rigidity has replaced flexibility.
How do I get the opportunities I need?
When my leaders don’t understand me
How do I preach the importance of investing in creativity?
When innovations to great mind seems like a waste of time

In a continent of Gerontocracy,
Where we dwell on what worked for the ancient,
We fail to ponder on what will work in the future,
Where we emphasize hard work instead of biotechnology,
Where technology is seen as being lazy,
So, I ask you one more time;
How do we evolve?

Abdul-lateef Halimat is a final year student of microbiology at the Obafemi Awolowo University. She influences growth and personal development by writing through her social media accounts. She runs a blog too.
Halimat is a content writer and a budding social media manager. She loves reading, recommending books, and an advocate for gender equality as a volunteer at One Voice Initiative for Women and Children Emancipation (OVIWCE). She is on twitter and Instagram as @halimatkehiinde.

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